Associated Businesses

Jan has strong links with other SEN specialist consultants and recommends that you look at these websites;

Maria Landy (MTFL Ltd) specialises in Special Educational Needs (SEN) training, inspection, advice and support for – headteachers, principals, deputy headteachers, senior leaders, SENCOs, teachers, support staff and governors with particular responsibility for SEN. Her services have proved essential for improving performance and assessments, as well as being very valuable for LA staff, inspectors and consultants.
Natalie Packer Educational Consultancy specialises in training, support and advice on Special Educational Needs (SEN) and School Improvement in order to improve outcomes for all pupils. A range of support is available for headteachers, senior and middle leaders, SENCOs, teachers and support staff. Advice can also be provided for clusters of schools, local authorities and other educational organisations


Jan Martin
Jan Martin

Specialist in Special Educational Needs (SEN) and School Improvement - training, consultancy and interim management.